Shanko Inc. Dear Sheldon, On behalf of the staff and board of Friends of Firefighters, I would like to thank your gernerous support of this organization. Donations such as yours help us in our mission to provide long-term support to the New York City firefighters and their families. We are excited to see the firehouse restored, and we promise to send you before and after photos. Please use this letter as an acknowledgegemnet of your August 2011 donations of the tin ceiling for our firehouse. Friends of Firefighters is dedicated to addressing the physical, mental health, and wellness needs of New York City?s firefighters. Our ongoing mission is to provide long-term support and services through confidential counseling, wellness services, and other assistance required by firefighters and their families. Thank you for helping us to realize this mission. Sincerely, Nancy Carbone Executive Director
NYC Friends of Firefighters, thank you
Hi David Thanks For the prompt response. Don't think we've ever had that good of customer service. Thanks, Rachel J
Thanks For the prompt response
I just wanted to let you know how wonderful your company is. Your product is outstanding and the service I received was amazing. Our ceiling looks fantastic. Scott Swezy
Mr. Shafer recently received a letter from descendants of the original owner of the East Elm Street store, along with a photograph of the proprietor taken sometime in the 1930s. The original tin ceiling that remains today is visible in the decades-old picture.